Big Chill from NVS

WIN a subscription to Vet Yogi for up to 10 people in your practice by filling out our top tips questionnaire below. Also find calming products for pets to help everyone to chill out.

It's time for a Big Chill...

Let’s talk about something we all know but often forget: a calm vet means calmer pets. It’s a simple truth, really. When you’re stressed, your furry patients pick up on it. They can sense tension, and it makes them nervous too.

That’s why taking care of our mental health isn’t just about us—it’s about providing the best possible care for our animal friends. By practicing self-care and managing our stress, we create a more relaxed environment for everyone. It’s a win-win: happier vets and less anxious pets. And let’s face it, who doesn’t want that?

One lucky winner will WIN a practice subscription with Vet Yogi for up to 10 people!

In a time when self-care and mental health awareness are much needed amongst the veterinary community, we need to find methods of not only coping, but thriving. Who better to know what is relevant than other veterinary professionals?

Vet Yogi share evidence-based wellness tools that work, and they are passionate about offering them in ways that are realistic and accessible for busy working people. To be in with a chance of winning a practice subscription for your practice, simply fill in our top tips questionnaire below!

Discover Pet Health and Wellbeing

Calming and Separation Anxiety

Behaviours associated with separation anxiety can be difficult to manage. Fortunately, many products are available to help.

Autumn & Winter Health

We have a wide range of products that can help with safeguarding pets’ health and wellbeing during the darker & colder months of the autumn & winter


Calming and Separation Anxiety

Behaviours associated with separation anxiety can be difficult to manage. Fortunately, many products are available to help.

Autumn & Winter Health

We have a wide range of products that can help with safeguarding pets’ health and wellbeing during the darker & colder months of the autumn & winter