The building project is finished, the surgical suite is kitted out with the latest gadgets and you are getting ready to open your doors to the pet-owning public. As soon as you are ready to take on queries and pet registrations it is time to think about your pre-launch marketing.
The aim of pre-launch marketing is to warm up your audience and create a buzz around your practice. A period of six to eight weeks of ‘pre-launching’ is the perfect amount of time to make potential clients aware of your practice and convince them to check it out, without the feeling of the opening being too far away for people to be interested.
Week 1 – create your practice’s social platforms.
Week 2-3 – create a few core posts that go out first across the platforms introducing the brand, its values and mission, plus opening dates and any other key information.
Week 3-4 – once you have established your social platforms, consider launching social ads to the local area to start building your buzz.
Week 4 onwards – by now your audience should be slowly starting to build. Use your social platforms to direct pet owners to your email sign-up. If you have enough content, consider a weekly email, or save emails for important updates.
By the end of pre-launch, hopefully you will have created a population of pet owners who are eagerly anticipating the grand opening and ready to register their pets when the big day arrives.
It is a good idea to have a think about launch day itself, and specifically whether you are planning a ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ launch.
A more formal or ‘hard’ launch might include an open day before officially opening your doors. Are there any local celebrities that you could invite to officially declare you open for business, and are you going to invite journalists to the event? Goody bags (complete with the practice logo) are usually popular, alongside guided tours, games for children, even a mini dog show with small prizes for the winners. To make the open day a success, you will need to publicise the event. An eye-catching banner outside the practice and ads in the local press with the launch date and any special offers are good for attracting interest.
If time is short in the lead up to opening, a softer launch with an open day once you are properly up and running may suit you better. Whichever you choose, when it comes to launch and beyond, it is important to keep the momentum up on your social platforms. Remember to have social posts and email newsletters ready to go on the day, as well as in the run-up. In the weeks that follow you are likely to have plenty of material to create engaging posts:
- Behind the scenes footage
- Competitions – owner generated content is often a great way to generate interest, sharing cute photos of their pets for example
- Staff profiles – share a fun story, or information about their pet. This makes staff seem more relatable and helps to create a connection
Out of your comfort zone? Or just prefer to focus on the patients? There are marketing agencies who can handle this for you and design a tailor-made marketing plan.
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For more comprehensive information and to ensure you cover all aspects necessary for a successful launch, we invite you to read our Modern Veterinarian’s Guide to Opening a New Practice. An invaluable tool crafted by industry experts, it provides you with essential insights, best practices, and practical tips to ensure your success.