by Baskerville™ Muzzles, from Company of Animals
Did you know? 95% of vet professionals will experience a dog bite at least once in their professional life. In addition to the physical injury, this also takes a mental toll, sometimes with long-term consequences.
For decades owners of muzzled dogs have experienced prejudice when out and about. However, amongst younger owners, the mood is shifting. The stereotypical status “aggressive dog” sporting a muzzle is a thing of the past.
A new study by Company of Animals on behalf of Baskerville™ Muzzles which included 750 respondents across the US, UK & Germany, found that the number one reason to use a muzzle for dog owners is during a visit to the vets or groomers (31% of the nation’s dog owners).
It is therefore hardly surprising that 61% of these muzzle purchasers cite “stressful situations” rather than “aggression or biting” as their reason for purchasing this training tool. With this insight, veterinarians can leverage their influencer status to normalise muzzle usage and pave the way for fighting the stigma around muzzles.
Contrary to some opinions, muzzles can actually help minimise anxiety and stress in animals. By using a basket muzzle in potentially stressful situations, Veterinarians can create a sense of security for the animal, helping them to relax and reducing the likelihood of aggression. This, in turn, allows for more efficient and accurate assessments, treatments, and examinations.
It is also widely acknowledged that muzzles can serve as a valuable tool for preventing the spread of zoonotic diseases. Certain medical procedures may involve close contact with bodily fluids, potentially exposing veterinarians to pathogens. By implementing muzzles, the risk of bites or scratches that could transmit diseases is significantly reduced, protecting both the veterinary staff and the overall public health.
Why are basket muzzles the most ethical option?
The Baskerville™ study found that 62% of muzzle users cited “comfort” as a requirement for their purchase decision while 54% acknowledged the ability to pant happily as being crucial to their choice. Replacing fabric muzzles in your practice with basket muzzles is the safest choice for the wellness of the dog and your own safety.
Why you should consider Baskerville™ muzzles for your practice
Designed by experts for over 35 years, Baskerville™ is a leader in developing and designing ethical and effective dog muzzles. They guarantee high standards of safety both for dogs and people, while allowing the best comfort possible for the dog to pant, drink and take treats. They allow you to continue with positive reinforcement while still examining the dog. Elected as the Best dog muzzle by Insider US 2021, Baskerville is recommended and used by behaviourists and vets around the world.
What vet professionals say about Baskerville muzzles
“We love the Baskerville muzzles because we can feed treats through the muzzle to keep the pet distracted from the procedures being performed. They can also pant to keep cool, which is beneficial in an exam room or when they need to wear one on a walk.”
Susan (Veterinarian)
“I’ve been using the Baskerville muzzles for over 16 years now. Love them. The biggest benefit is that the patient is comfortable”
Aimee (Vet Nurse)
“Safety. Baskerville are good because you can leave them on any patient and not worry about them being able to breathe like other soft muzzles”
Stephanie (Vet Nurse)
To find out more about Baskerville™ Muzzles or to order – click here.
The article was originally posted in The Cube magazine, October 2023 issue. Click here to read the magazine.